There are typically 5 shape options including custom shape, which allows for a completely unique shape to suit your design or use case.
Ideal for landscape or portrait layouts which have one side that's wider than the other. Common applications include product labels (especially wrap-around) as well as stickers that have a lot of text, as the width allows for more words per line.
The main benefit of a rectangle is it offers 100% of the available height and width for design content, as the sticker or label goes right up into all four corners for maximum surface area. This gives you more space to utilise compared to circles or ovals.
Ideal for designs of the same height and width. Common applications include partial wrap-around product labels, as well as stickers that will be placed on square surfaces or items.
Like rectangle, square shapes also offer 100% of the available height and width for maximum surface area to allow more content. However, if you have a lot of text, each line will typically be shorter versus a rectangle, and as it's a square, you could quickly run out of height if you have many short lines of text.
One benefit is that it suits some designs better, especially when they're minimalist and centralised with a logo and short bit of text.
Circle stickers and labels are a very versatile shape of the same height and width, but fully round. Common applications include promotional stickers, logo stickers, and packaging stickers to seal up products.
One downside of circles is you aren't going to get the full surface area available from the measurements you've entered, as the edges curve around without corners. For example:
- 10x10cm square = 100 cm² surface area
- 10x10cm circle = 78.54 cm² surface area
However, they are very aesthetically pleasing if you have a centralised design, and if you don't have a lot of content (such as images and text), the loss of area isn't an issue. This is why they're one of the most popular shapes.
Ovals are rounded like circles, but with different height and widths which mean you can 'stretch' a circle either horizontally or vertically. Common applications include some types of product labels (such as wine labels), as well as promotional stickers and helmet stickers.
Ovals are a good middle ground between circles and rectangles, because you get the aesthetically pleasing round shape like a circle, but with more width for longer lines of text. They also look particularly good with a design that has a centralised logo and then two short snippets of text on either side, as the shape frames them wonderfully.
They work well the other way around too, with a longer height if you like the shape of a circle but just need that extra bit of height for a particular use (say for product sealing labels).
Custom shape
Custom shape stickers and labels allow for any shape you can think of, as they typically use laser cutting to create a fully unique cut line. Popular uses include:
- Contouring intricately around a design
- Creating a shape for a specific need (such as an arrow or speech bubble sticker)
- Allowing for other types of less common shapes (like a triangle or diamond)
- Creating shapes for certain applications (like a jar lid sealing label, with a circle for the lid and a narrow tab to stick down onto the jar)
- Having holes or other shapes cut out out of the inside of the sticker (where buttons, knobs, lights or other elements could be poked through to remain accessible)
- Adding unusual artistic elements to a standard shape (like a rectangle with wavy edges)
As the shape can be perfectly suited to your needs, there's no real disadvantage when it comes to the shape itself. However, they are typically more expensive as there's extra work involved in creating and proofing the cut line.